JMeter Address In Use
原创2024年3月5日大约 1 分钟
解决Windows jmeter Non HTTP response message: Address already in use: connect 错误
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: Address already in use: connect
When an HTTP request is made, an ephemeral port is allocated for the TCP / IP connection. The ephemeral port range is 32678 – 61000. After the client closes the connection, the connection is placed in the TIME-WAIT state for 60 seconds.
If JMeter (HttpClient) is sending thousands of HTTP requests per second and creating new TCP / IP connections, the system will run out of available ephemeral ports for allocation.
Otherwise, the following messages may appear in the JMeter JTL files:
Non HTTP response code:
Non HTTP response message: Address already in use
The solution is to enable fast recycling TIME_WAIT sockets.
# 打开注册列表
右击Parameters -> 新建 -> DWORD(32位)值(D) -> name:TcpTimedWaitDe,value:30 –> 设置为30秒,默认是240秒
右击Parameters -> 新建 -> DWORD(32位)值(D) -> name:MaxUserPort,value:65534(十进制) –> 设置最大连接数65534